Auffenberg Dealer Group

Apr 1, 2024

Recognizing when the transmission is in disrepair is vital for any car owner who wants to stop minor transmission issues from becoming major ones. Knowing when to stop by the Jeep dealer for regular transmission service is also important, as regular service helps you catch small transmission issues before they start affecting how your car functions, or even prevent transmission issues altogether.

An image of a disassembled car transmission being serviced.

How Often Should You Get Maintenance on Your Transmission? 

How often you need to get your transmission checked out varies depending on your car’s age, make, model, and other factors. As a general rule, however, you should at least start considering getting the transmission looked at once you’ve driven 30,000 miles.

Some cars can go longer between checkups on the transmission, but it’s best to get the transmission checked out sooner rather than later. Waiting too long before getting service can be damaging to your Jeep. When problems start showing up, then you know it’s time for your transmission to get a checkup.

Signs You Need Transmission Service: Gear Slipping or Failure

When your transmission isn’t in the best shape, you may have lots of different issues with your gears. You may have a lot of trouble switching between gears, or your gears might not switch at all. You might also notice your car slipping out of gear while you’re driving, and that can be very dangerous.

When your car slips out of gears during acceleration, it’s annoying, and your car’s performance feels sluggish. However, when your car slips out of gear during deceleration, it can be very dangerous, as your car may not slow down enough to keep you safe.

You Hear Noises While Your Car Is in Neutral

Your transmission system shouldn’t make much noise under any circumstances when it’s in good condition. However, if there are unusual noises occurring while you’re in neutral, or even when you’re shifting gears, then it can point to issues with the transmission system.

Sometimes the problem won’t be that serious, and the only thing wrong is that you need some more transmission fluid (though this unto itself can be an indicator of more serious issues such as a leak). However, noises can also indicate major issues, such as a broken solenoid.

You Feel Your Car Kick and Shake

When you change gears, your car shouldn’t do anything major. You should feel the car accelerate or decelerate normally and smoothly. However, a transmission that’s in disrepair may make the car shake and kick while you’re switching gears. If you drive a car with a manual transmission, then you may notice a grinding while you’re shifting from one gear to the next.

Is it time to get your transmission checked out? Swing by Auffenberg Dealer Group in Shiloh, IL so our technicians can take a look.